Octree MssP - Managed Security Services
Octree Managed Cyber Security offers specialised services to organisations responsible for the safekeeping of personal information and sensitive digital assets using their Securapro CSF. This is delivered through a broad solution set to assist organisations with Information Security Management, Privacy, Governance, Risk and Compliance, without having to engage with multiple providers across the different disciplines.
The Service Offering is covered in three core areas:
• GDPR Consulting Services
• Information Security Consulting Services
• Managed Security Services
GDPR Consulting Services
Our GDPR Consulting Service which includes a GDPR Readiness Assessment Service is an independent Information Security risk management consulting capability that has been established to provide professional advice and assistance in helping organisations manage Information Security challenges.
The services consist of the following:
• GDPR Compliance Assessment – Gap assessment, Data Discovery and Security Assessment.
• GDPR GAP assessment
• Data Discovery
• Technical Security Assessment
• DPO outsourcing
• GDPR Training Services
• GDPR Audit
Managed Cyber Security Services & SOC
Information Security Consulting
Our Information Security Consulting Services are a discipline that focuses on helping organisations develop and maintain a security posture to best secure digital assets, through the reduction of risk exposure.
It consists of the following services:
• Risk Assessment 27005
• Security Health Check
• Cyber Essentials certification
• Penetration Testing
• Vulnerability Assessment
• Security Assessment
• Disaster Recovery Policy Development
• Security Program Implementation and Management
• Security Training services
• Technical Security Analysis
• Unstructured Data Discovery
Managed Security Services
The Octree Managed Cyber Security solution revolves around a service aimed at empowering organisations to better react to the evolving threats they are faced with on a daily basis. The core principles of the solution are to ensure that the security infrastructure deployed is best-of-breed and optimally configured and managed to ensure that organisations are protected from old, current and new threats. At the same time, the infrastructure will allow faster response times to potential breaches through unknown attack methods, by incorporating intelligence through comprehensive incident and event analysis.
The service methodology has been designed to ensure that the security technologies deployed within a customer’s network, whether already implemented or added as part of our engagement, are functional and effective, and consistently so. This is achieved by “listening” to what the environment is telling us regarding technology performance and threat activity, and using this information to proactively ensure that the organisations’ critical systems and information assets are protected 24x7x365. In doing so, we can expect more productivity and far less potential for any type of breach, thereby allowing organisations to focus on their core objectives and critical business functions.
Each solution takes into account the specific alerts and events that the technology highlights, which is then assessed by the service desk and assigned to the appropriate party for the necessary actions. We not only monitor the events associated with attacksbut also the health of the technology itself to ensure that a customer’s defences are not compromised due to system failure. Security systems generate large excesses of information and critical events are often missed due to the complex process of identifying them among more general events. The intelligence we have built into the service offering allows us to react to these events in a fraction of the time most internal IT teams and other “remote-access” monitoring companies are able to.
From the outset, Octree’s stated objective was to ensure constant enhancements and improvements to our service offering. Since inception, we have engaged with leading technology vendors to enhance our solution utilising their technologies. We now utilise a multitude of proprietary and opensource technologies to assist us in achieving the shortest possible timeframes when identifying attacks, potential system failures and misconfigurations.
Further to this, we have ensured that our resources are constantly kept up to date with enhancements and changes to the vendor solutions that we manage, as well as the changing threat landscape. We have also built our infrastructure and service methodologies from the ground up, to be in line with international standards and regulatory frameworks.
In order to offer organisations the flexibility to choose individual or multiple services that address the specific pain points they are experiencing, we have developed a service catalogue consisting of the following:
Web Security Gateway
Physical and Virtual Server Security
Managed Firewall Services
Intrusion Prevention
Vulnerability Management
Patch Management Managed Service
Inventory Management
SIEM Managed Services
Configuration and Compliance Management
Privileged Access Management Services
Mobile Device Management
Active Directory Auditing
Data Discovery
Data Leakage Prevention
Application Software Security
Security Operations Centre
Network Defence as a Service (DAaaS)
To find out more about how we can resolve your IT issues please email or call us:
Send us an email Call us +44 (0)1462 416400